Washi tape activity with a kindergartner: matching game

About the artist:
Alain Gree - A legendary French children books’ illustrator / author who published over 300 books which have been translated to 20 different languages.
About the brand:
MT Washi - The greatest thing about MT washi tape is that it was made with fine quality washi paper and is easily re-positioned without tearing the substrate base. It was created in 2006 by the company Kamoi Kakoshi (est. 1923) and all produced in Japan. As the world leading enterprise of washi tape, the quality of MT tape is unparalleled. Even though nowadays you can easily find washi tape in many general craft or big box stores made by different makers, Woodberry Toys believes the quality of the original MT brand speaks for itself. That is why we handpicked these fun sets to be enjoyed by kids and adults together.
Today's activity:
This is a simple activity with many elements that kids would enjoy: cutting with scissors, taping on and peeling off, adorable illustrations of plants and playing a matching game, to name a few.
An activity sheet is prepared beforehand so the child can pretty much occupy him/herself for at least 15-20 minutes. I love that the illustration on this particular tape has the aesthetic of a children's book, yet still has the artist's touch. In this roll, each repeat has 20 different pictures. Yes TWENTY! That is very long considering that normally you'd see 6 to 8 different images before repeating for any other washi tape on the market. This is another reason why we picked this great material for our activity today.
Here are some pictures from today--
The activity sheet is prepared and we are getting ready to start..
It was almost instinct for my kid to start his work without any verbal instruction. He sat there quietly for the assignment, occasionally murmuring things like " I think this is a daisy" or "hmmm, that's a pumpkin." It was very amusing to watch him having fun!
I love that MT's washi tape uses the type of adhesive that allows easy removal. This allows the child to self-correct their work easily without damaging the substrate paper which may sometimes lead to frustration.
It was a good amount of work for one session, so we took a well earned break afterwards.

We're not quite done yet. We are going to reuse these cut-off tape pieces from today in another activity!. Stay tuned for our next post (wink).
Craft paper
MT washi tape - Alain Gree series: Plant
fine motor skills
cutting with scissors
matching pictures
hand-eye coordination
improving concentration
attention to detail, find similarities and differences in objects
visual memory
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